- Nuclear for Australia lobby group (Will Shackel, Adi Paterson et al)
- Minerals Council of Australia’s nuclear misinformation
- Kevin Scarce’s nuclear ignorance and misinformation
- Film review: ‘The New Fire’ and the old Gen IV rhetoric
- British nuclear power advocate Zion Lights
- ‘Pro-nuclear environmentalists’ and the Chernobyl death toll
- Ben Heard – nuclear lobbyist who runs the fake environmental group ‘Bright New World’ that accepts secret corporate donations
- James Hansen’s nuclear fantasies
- Michael Shellenberger ‒ President of ‘Environmental Progress’, Ecomodernist, Time Magazine ‘Hero of the Environment’, Blatant Liar, Dangerous Idiot.
- Prof. Barry Brook / Brave New Climate
- Response to Barry Brook / Corey Bradshaw’s 2014 ‘open letter to environmentalists’
- Ziggy Switkowski and the 2006 Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy Review
- Haydon Manning (Flinders Uni academic)
- George Monbiot (UK Guardian columnist)
- COP that: nuclear lobbyists on the offensive (2016)
- Critique of James Lovelock and Patrick Moore (Word file)
- James Lovelock’s irrational attacks on renewable energy and the environmental movement
- Geoff Russell (Australian conspiracy theorist)
- ‘Pandoras Promise’ Propaganda (pro-nuclear film)
- Response to Aaron Patrick’s substandard ‘reporting’ in the Australian Financial Review – Small modular reactors and the nuclear culture wars (article in RenewEconomy)
- Fake, dishonest ‘Australian Greens for Nuclear Energy’ group